woensdag 29 augustus 2012

Collaboration Now

I have just been in a small group show at the DeKalb Gallery in Brooklyn called Collaboration Now.
Together with fellow artist Jesse Gammage we presented the video piece "Legislation". Exploring socialization, media and knowledge perception between contrasting cultures.
Video will come soon.

Chuck & Chelsea by Lou and Michelle

Chuck and Chelsea are two dog characters created by NYC based artists Lou and Michelle.
Lou came to visit my Brooklyn studio together with Chelsea and we had a great time, here some of the photos. Don't forget to visit Chuck and Chelsea on there website to see which other artists they have visited over the summer http://www.chuckandchelsea.com/ . Or follow them on facebook and twitter.

New website

My new website is online.
Get a clear overview of my artistic endeavors.

and see my 
paintings, photography and performance work.

Hennessy/Pratt Challenge

This summer I participated in the Hennessy/Pratt Challenge "Chase your wild rabbit" and I made runner up 2nd place. One of the jury members, Harry Allen, wrote a nice review on his blog and mentioned me very favorable. Check his blog http://harryallendesign.blogspot.com/?spref=fb